The helmet is made of extremely lightweight compression molded foam – weighs only 3 ounces! The helmet is ventilated so it doesn’t retain body heat. For added comfort, the head hugging design has a slim profile.
-Lightweight Helmet averages only 3 ounces
-Made with compression-molded foam
-Ventilated to limit the body heat retained
-Head hugging design with a slim profile
-Helmet is covered in vinyl, so it’s easy to clean – only soap and water required!
-Comes with an easily adjustable snap-closure chinstrap.
-Standard colors include Silver Gray & Metallic Blue
-Manufacturer’s 90 Day Limited Warranty
Headgear Selection
Suggestions to help you determine what type of helmet would be suitable for you.
-Degree of physical activity
-Potential striking surfaces (floor, walls, furniture, etc.)
-Nature of self-abusiveness
-Severity & frequency of seizures or spasticity
-Length of time worn