10 Tips to Prevent Falls in Your Home

Falls are a significant concern, particularly for seniors and individuals with mobility issues. In fact, falls are one of the leading causes of injuries at home. According to the Health Canada, millions of older adults find themselves in the emergency room each year due to fall-related injuries. The good news is that many of these accidents can be prevented with a little awareness and a few simple changes to your living environment. In this blog article, we’ll explore ten essential tips to help you create a safer home and reduce the risk of falls.

Creating a safer home environment can be done with the right planning and guidance. We recommend the following 10 tips to prevent falls in the home:

1.  Declutter and Organize

Start by decluttering your home. Remove unnecessary items, especially from high-traffic areas, to minimize tripping hazards. Ensure that walkways are clear, and there are no obstacles in your path.

2. Secure Loose Carpets and Rugs

Loose rugs and carpets are notorious for causing slips and falls. Use non-slip rug pads or double-sided tape to keep them securely in place. Better yet, consider removing them altogether, especially in high-risk areas.

3. Install Bathroom Safety Equipment

More than half of all falls happen in the bathroom. Consider a shower chair, toilet seat riser, and grab bars, particularly near the shower and toilet.

4. Maintain Adequate Lighting

Proper lighting is crucial to prevent falls. Ensure that hallways, staircases, and entryways are well-lit. Consider motion-activated lighting for added convenience during the night.

5. Use Ramps for Entries and Exits

For those using mobility aids like wheelchairs or walkers, installing ramps can be transformative. Ramps provide a seamless transition into your home and help prevent tripping on uneven surfaces, particularly at entryways and thresholds.

6. Install a Stairlift

For homes with multiple floors, stairlifts are an investment in safety and independence. These motorized chairs glide along staircases, making it possible for individuals with mobility issues to move between floors with ease. They eliminate the worry of navigating stairs, ensuring peace of mind.

7. Keep Everyday Items Accessible

Store frequently used items within easy reach. This prevents the need to climb on stools or reach high shelves, reducing the risk of falls.

8. Consider Needed Home Medical Equipment Solutions

Equipment like walkers, wheelchairs, and bedrails can enhance day-to-day safety and facilitate tasks that might otherwise pose a fall risk.

9. Stay Active and Maintain Strength

Regular exercise can help improve strength and balance, reducing the risk of falls. Consider activities like yoga or Tai Chi, which focus on balance and flexibility.

10. Regular Home Safety Checks

Periodically inspect your home for potential hazards. Check for loose handrails, broken steps, or any other safety issues. Address these promptly to maintain a safe living environment.


Preventing falls in your home is not only about safety but also about maintaining independence and peace of mind. By following these ten tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and ensure that your home remains a secure and comfortable place to live. Remember, small changes can lead to significant improvements in safety and overall well-being. So, prioritize safety, and take proactive steps to create a safer home for yourself and your loved ones.

For more information, please reach out to the Ontario Home Health team at 1-800-661-1912, or visit your closest location.

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